The Eye Clinic is a consultancy service which works along side your normal veterinary surgeon. Working by referral only we provide a wide range of state of the art diagnostic and surgical procedures including:
Cataract surgery and implantation of prosthetic intra-ocular lenses
Laser surgery for the management of glaucoma.
Corneal grafting and transplantation techniques.
Intra-ocular sustained delivery drug device implantation for the management of recurrent uveitis
Ocular oncology
Orbital prosthetic placement post standing enucleation
Electro-retinography, slit lamp biomicroscopy, tonometry and ocular ultrasonography.
Cases are seen and treated at our clinic at Rowe Equine as the all important follow up care can be more be easily provided. Rowe Equine provides the majority of our anaesthesia, hospitalisation and medical support and are happy to admit urgent and non-urgent cases at short notice for preliminary investigation and treatment in close collaboration with the ophthalmology team.
Rowe Equine also provides financial services (invoicing, insurance claims and payment services) on behalf of the Equine Eye Clinic.